Creating co-occurrence matrix
Using "dat" from either of the answers above, try crossprod
and table
V <- crossprod(table(dat[1:2]))
diag(V) <- 0
# Items
# Items A B C D E F
# A 0 1 1 1 1 0
# B 1 0 3 1 1 1
# C 1 3 0 1 0 1
# D 1 1 1 0 1 1
# E 1 1 0 1 0 0
# F 0 1 1 1 0 0
I'd use a combination of the reshape2 package and matrix algebra:
#read in your data
dat <- read.table(text="TrxID Items Quant
Trx1 A 3
Trx1 B 1
Trx1 C 1
Trx2 E 3
Trx2 B 1
Trx3 B 1
Trx3 C 4
Trx4 D 1
Trx4 E 1
Trx4 A 1
Trx5 F 5
Trx5 B 3
Trx5 C 2
Trx5 D 1", header=T)
#making the boolean matrix
dat2 <- melt(dat)
w <- dcast(dat2, Items~TrxID)
x <- as.matrix(w[,-1])
x[] <- 0
x <- apply(x, 2, function(x) as.numeric(x > 0)) #recode as 0/1
v <- x %*% t(x) #the magic matrix
diag(v) <- 0 #repalce diagonal
dimnames(v) <- list(w[, 1], w[,1]) #name the dimensions
For the graphing maybe...
g <- graph.adjacency(v, weighted=TRUE, mode ='undirected')
g <- simplify(g)
# set labels and degrees of vertices
V(g)$label <- V(g)$name
V(g)$degree <- degree(g)
For efficiency reasons, especially on sparse data, I would recommend using a sparse matrix.
dat <- read.table(text="TrxID Items Quant
Trx1 A 3
Trx1 B 1
Trx1 C 1
Trx2 E 3
Trx2 B 1
Trx3 B 1
Trx3 C 4
Trx4 D 1
Trx4 E 1
Trx4 A 1
Trx5 F 5
Trx5 B 3
Trx5 C 2
Trx5 D 1", header=T)
# factors for indexing matrix entries and naming dimensions
trx.fac <- factor(dat[,1])
itm.fac <- factor(dat[,2])
s <- sparseMatrix(
dimnames = list(
x = 1)
# calculating co-occurrences
v <- t(s) %*% s
# setting transactions counts of items to zero
diag(v) <- 0
I was giving each solution posted in this thread a try. None of them worked with large matrices (I was working with a 1,500 x 2,000,000 matrix).
A little bit off-topic: after calculating a co-occurrence matrix, I usually want to calculate the distance between individual items. The cosine similarity / distance can be calculated efficiently on the co-occurrence matrix like this:
# cross-product of vectors (numerator)
num <- v %*% v
# square root of square sum of each vector (used for denominator)
srss <- sqrt(apply(v^2, 1, sum))
# denominator
den <- srss %*% t(srss)
# cosine similarity
v.cos.sim <- num / den
# cosine distance
v.cos.dist <- 1 - v.cos.sim
I would use xtabs for this:
dat <- read.table(text="TrxID Items Quant
Trx1 A 3
Trx1 B 1
Trx1 C 1
Trx2 E 3
Trx2 B 1
Trx3 B 1
Trx3 C 4
Trx4 D 1
Trx4 E 1
Trx4 A 1
Trx5 F 5
Trx5 B 3
Trx5 C 2
Trx5 D 1", header=T)
term_doc <- xtabs(~ TrxID + Items, data=dat, sparse = TRUE)
co_occur <- crossprod(term_doc, term_doc)
diag(co_occur) <- 0
I threw in the sparse = TRUE
to show that this can work for very large data sets.
This is actually very easy and clean if you create a bipartite graph first, where the top nodes are the transactions and the bottom nodes are the items. Then you create a projection to the bottom nodes.
dat <- read.table(text="TrxID Items Quant
Trx1 A 3
Trx1 B 1
Trx1 C 1
Trx2 E 3
Trx2 B 1
Trx3 B 1
Trx3 C 4
Trx4 D 1
Trx4 E 1
Trx4 A 1
Trx5 F 5
Trx5 B 3
Trx5 C 2
Trx5 D 1", header=T)
bip <-
V(bip)$type <- V(bip)$name %in% dat[,1]
## sparse=TRUE is a good idea if you have a large matrix here
v <- get.adjacency(bipartite.projection(bip)[[2]], attr="weight", sparse=FALSE)
## Need to reorder if you want it alphabetically
v[order(rownames(v)), order(colnames(v))]
# A B C D E F
# A 0 1 1 1 1 0
# B 1 0 3 1 1 1
# C 1 3 0 1 0 1
# D 1 1 1 0 1 1
# E 1 1 0 1 0 0
# F 0 1 1 1 0 0