How to make xib compatible with both iphone 5 and iphone 4 devices

I am trying to layout my xib so that layout fits in both iphone 5 (4 inches retina) and 3.5 devices.

Because I have to support IOS-5 I cannot use autolayout. I have to use springs and Struts.

I tried everything in interface-builder. But either my view is going beyond the bottom of iphone-3.5-inch or not filling completely the iphone-4-inch-retina.

Can someone give a hint how to actually make an xib compatible to both the devices?

For more clarity I am adding screenshots:

When I set size 3.5 in attribute inspector: When I set size in attribute inspector to 3.5

it looks in iphone-5. There is a space below the buttons: And this is how it looks in simulator for 3.5 inch device

If I set size 4 inch in interface builder. You can see that bottom buttons are not visible in iphone-4. If I set size 3.5 inch in interface builder

So you will ask what are the settings I am using. Here are they:

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Solution 1:

  1. You add new category for UIviewController and add this code in .h file

     - (id)initWithNibNameforIphone4:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil4 NibNameforIphone5:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil5 NibNameforIpad:(NSString *)nibNameOrNilpad bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil;
  2. Add this code in your .m file

     - (id)initWithNibNameforIphone4:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil4 NibNameforIphone5:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil5 NibNameforIpad:(NSString *)nibNameOrNilpad bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
       if (self = [super init])
      self = [self initWithNibName:[self CheckDeviceIphone4:nibNameOrNil4 Iphone5:nibNameOrNil5 Ipad:nibNameOrNilpad] bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
      return self;
      -(NSString *)CheckDeviceIphone4:(NSString *)iphone4 Iphone5:(NSString *)iphone5 Ipad:(NSString *)ipad {
        return ([UIDevice currentDevice].userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) ? ipad :([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568) ?  iphone5 :iphone4;
  3. Open YouProject-Prefix.pch file and import your category here

  4. now you just use this in all over project like this

     self.firstView=[[firstView alloc]initWithNibNameforIphone4:@"firstView4" NibNameforIphone5:@"firstView" NibNameforIpad:@"firstViewIpad" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];

    thanks and any question then comment and dont forget to upvote :-)


Solution 2:

Try adding this to all your controllers which need to support iPhone 5:

- (void) loadView
    [super loadView];
    self.view.frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds;

Solution 3:

Just set view size to None using Interface-builder
It will take view size at runtime, just you need to take care of origin and autosizing for each element(UILabel, UIImage, etc.) in the view.

  • Interface-builder(XIB) -> Attribute Inspector -> Simulated Metrics - Size: None

enter image description here

Solution 4:

I was struggling with this today, and no matter what I did, my views were always showing up as 320x480, even when running on the retina 4" simulator. Even [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds was returning 320x480!

I found that adding the [email protected] launch image was the key to getting iOS to recognize my app as 'retina 4" ready'. Once I did that, I found had to do nothing else to get nibs to automatically size without the black bars. No need to have two separate xibs, change settings in Interface Builder, overriding loadView, etc.