Moving from Windows to Ubuntu. What programs to use? [closed]

Maby my question is not related to this forum, but I want to ask. I want to change my OS from Windows XP to Ubuntu 10.6. But I like some programs in Windows, so is there a GOOD programs in Linux(Ubuntu) to change this list of programs? And I'll be apprishiated for some links where I can download GOOD software for Linux. I need such programs, that I could open their files in Windows OS environment. For example: .doc, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .txt and others. Thanx!

Musical players: Aimp Winamp Sound forge

Kodecks for video, audio etc.

Microsoft Office 2003, Vizio, WinRAR, Adobe reader, Dejavju reader, Fine Reader, Adobe Photoshop, Paint, Nero, Alcohol 120%, DiamonTools, Far, Total Commander, Dreamveawer, Visual Studio 2005, Denwer

Messangers: QiP, ICQ, Skype

Browsers: Opera, Mozila

Antiviruses!! NOD32, Avast, Kaspersky?

Translators: Lingvo 12, Pragma

BitTorrent, Download Master.

First of all, welcome to Ubuntu! :-)

So, all the software you mentioned in your list have an equivalent in Linux. I really suggest you spend time reading one of these links I offer you below:

  • Linux software equivalent to Windows software
  • List of free and open source software packages
  • List Of Open-source Programs (LOOP): 1, 2

I'm sure you will have great suggestions apart from those lists. It was there that I chose to use the following equivalents:

  • gimp for images (.jpeg, .png, .gif)
  • for create and manipulate Microsoft Office docs
  • Telepathy for Messangers (QiP, ICQ, Msn, etc) with Skype available
  • Mozila Firefox replacing Iternet Explorer

For all other software you have an equivalent in Ubuntu, and you can easily search and install using the tool Ubuntu Software Center, see a screenshot below (from wikipedia):

alt text

You would be able to open the .doc, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .txt formats out of the box without any extra effort. After you finish installing ubuntu on your computer you just have to run one command to get all the audio,video codecs and java, and flash.

Microsoft Office 2003, WinRAR, Adobe reader, Adobe Photoshop, Paint, Nero, Dreamveawer, Nero there are alternatives for these softwares but you can install them under a software called Wine.

Nero has a native linux version.

Messangers: QiP, ICQ, Skype Skype works nativaly and ICQ and Qip chat would be available under empathy messanger whick is default messanger of ubuntu.

Browsers: Opera, Mozila Both of these browsers and Google chrome also work natively

for bittorrent you can use transmission which comes out of the box in ubuntu or Deluge which has utorrent like User interface.

Some links to download softwares

There is an ubuntu software centre in ubuntu just like Iphone appstore, but almost all the software there are free and as you are a new user you would find most of the sofware that you need in the software centre, so you dont need any links download software.

PS. I think I have given you enough reasons to switch into ubuntu :)

First off, you shouldn't need to download apps from the web (at least most of the time) as the Ubuntu Software Centre, found under the Applications tab in the upper left of the screen, contains most of the applications you will need on Ubuntu, all for free. The Software Centre is divided into categories (Office, Web, Programming, etc) and all you have to do to install software from it is to hit the 'install' button and enter you user password, and you're all set.

Now, onto specific applications.

Visual Studio: If you're planning on doing development on Linux, you may want to check out the accepted answer to this question on Stack Overflow. The default text editor on Ubuntu has built in support for syntax highlighting of a great many languages and can have it's functionality expanded with plugins (many of which some preinstalled). If you're looking for an IDE for a particular language, then just search for that language in the Software Centre (you probably don't need to include 'IDE').

Nero: Fluendo is available from the Software Centre for $25 under the recently introduced 'for purchase' category.

Adobe Reader: Ubuntu has a built in pdf viewer called Evince.

Alcohol 120%: Ubuntu has a DVD burner called Brasero, though I'm not sure how it compares to Alcohol in terms of features.

WinRAR: Ubuntu has a built in archive manage that can handle .zip and .tar.gz. Though if you want to use WinRAR, I think there's a Linux version available.

Total Commander: Nautilus is Ubuntu's window manager. Play around with it and see if it has the features you use in Total Commander.

Far: Nautilus and Archive Manager, mentioned as possible alternatives elsewhere in this list, may be able to replace this, though I've never encountered Far before so I can't say for sure.

Vizio: I think Dia, found in the Software Centre, is what you're after there, though I've not used Vizio so I couldn't say how it compares.

Adobe Photoshop: The Gimp, available from the Software Centre, is the bext bitmap editor available on Linux, and Inkscape is available if you want to do some vector editing.

Microsoft Office: Open Office is the primary alternative to MS Office and is preinstalled in Ubuntu.

BitTorrent: Transmission is the torrent client preinstalled in Ubuntu

Security: ClamAV is a good anti-virus program, not preinstalled but found in the Software Centre. The Ubuntu firewall is good and so you won't need a third party program.

Browsers: Firefox comes preinstalled on Ubuntu

Messengers: Empathy is the preinstalled IM/IRC client on Ubuntu. It supports a wide range of services including MSN, Gtalk and Facebook Chat.

Music players: Rhythmbox is preinstalled on Ubuntu, although I personally use Banshee (available from the Software Centre) because of the increased functionality. If you're used to WinAmp, then you might like to check that one out.

Codecs: There are few preinstalled codecs on Ubuntu, but support for pretty much all AV filetypes is available from the Software Centre. Just search for 'Gstreamer' and you'll get a list of codecs that provide the support for a multitude of formats. Check them out and install the ones you want.

.txt files can be opened in Ubuntu's default text editor, Gedit, and the various images formats can be opened in the default image viewer.

I've done what I can here, though you're going to have to fire up Ubuntu and play around with it and see what it does for you. Remember, just search the Software Centre and see what you come across.

When moving from WindowsXP to Ubuntu/GNOME you will find that from the usability of your desktop not very much may have changed. Still, you are now on a very different OS. This needs some change of thinking especially when it comes to applications and how to install them.

Unlike Windows you have not only installed a modern operating system with Ubuntu but much more: it's what we call a "distribution". This means that almost all useful applications that are tested to run are already included but perhaps not yet installed on your PC from the installation CD.

Running Applications that are not provided on CD is done with a few mouse clicks only. There are several programs installed that do this, but you will find the Software Center where you can choose from an overwhelming variety of tested, useful and mostly free software a good point to start.

Downloading files from other internet recources is rarely needed. In fact it is discouraged because those applications may not be tested, can cause instabilities to your system and cannot be updated automatically (which is otherwise the case).

Try out Ubuntu and you will soon find that thinking "the Ubuntu way" is what you have always missed in the past.