Spring MVC Controller: Redirect without parameters being added to my url

I'm trying to redirect without parameters being added to my URL.

public class SomeController
  public String doSave(...)
    return "redirect:/success/";

  public String doSuccess(...)
    return "success";

After a redirect my url looks always something like this: .../success/?param1=xxx&param2=xxx. Since I want my URLs to be kind of RESTful and I never need the params after a redirect, I don't want them to be added on a redirect.

Any ideas how to get rid of them?

In Spring 3.1 a preferred way to control this behaviour is to add a RedirectAttributes parameter to your method:

public String doSave(..., RedirectAttributes ra)
    return "redirect:/success/";

It disables addition of attributes by default and allows you to control which attributes to add explicitly.

In previous versions of Spring it was more complicated.

In Spring 3.1 use option ignoreDefaultModelOnRedirect to disable automatically adding model attributes to a redirect:

<mvc:annotation-driven ignoreDefaultModelOnRedirect="true" />

Adding RedirectAttributes parameter doesn't work for me (may be because my HandlerInterceptorAdapter adds some stuff to model), but this approach does (thanks to @reallynic's comment):

public View doSave(...)
    RedirectView redirect = new RedirectView("/success/");
    return redirect;

In Spring 4 there is a way to do this with java config, using annotations. I'm sharing it in case anyone needs it as I needed it.

On the config class that extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter, you need to add:

private RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestMappingHandlerAdapter;

public void init() {

With this, you do not need to use RedirectAttributes, and it is an equivalent in java config to Matroskin's answer.

If you're using Spring 3.1, you can use Flash Scope, otherwise you can take a look at the method used in the most voted (not accepted) answer here:

Spring MVC Controller redirect using URL parameters instead of in response


Nice article for 3.1 users:


Workaround for non-3.1 users:

Spring MVC custom scope bean