My project has disappeared from iMovie -- can you help me get it back?

I have been working on a project on iMovie and yesterday I opened iMovie to continue working on it but I can't find it.

It says I have two projects but it only shows me one project and I am freaking out because I am suppose to show this video at my graduation for my whole school and every things gone but I don't know where it went.

Can you please help me find out where it went and get it back?

Open Finder, on the far left of your Dock, then click "Applications" on the sidebar, then double-click "Utilities", then "Terminal". In the window that shows up, paste this in:

term="$(osascript -e 'text returned of (display dialog "What do you want to find?" default answer "rcproject")')"; d=0; for x in $(find ~ -iregex ".*$term.*" | sed 's/ /\ /g'); do let d++; osascript -e 'on run argv' -e 'tell app "Finder" to reveal (POSIX file (item 1 of argv) as string)' -e end "$x" >/dev/null; if [[ d -gt 10 ]]; then echo "Press Control-C to quit."; fi done; if [[ $d -ne 0 ]]; then open -a Finder; else v="$(osascript -e 'button returned of (display dialog "No files were found. Try again looking everywhere?")')"; if [[ $v = OK ]]; then for x in $(find / -iregex ".*$term.*" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/ /\ /g'); do let d++; osascript -e 'on run argv' -e 'tell app "Finder" to reveal (POSIX file (item 1 of argv) as string)' -e end "$x" >/dev/null; done; open -a Finder; fi; fi; open ~/Movies/ #END

If you're having trouble selecting it all, double-click the first word ("term"), then scroll all the way to the right, then hold shift and click on where it says "END".

Press return ↩ if another window doesn't show up.

Then, the window should ask what you want to find. Leave what's in there at first, because rcproject should match all iMovie files. If it says it couldn't find any files, click OK. If it still couldn't find any files (it might take a long time to look), then repeat the above with something else (like Klass 6B-9B). I doubt you will find anything else, unfortunately.

A Finder window will pop up with your Movies folder. If any others show up behind it, try dragging those things (only .rcprojects will work for this) into the iMovie Projects folder in that window.

I don't know where it says you have two projects, but if this doesn't work, it's possible that the file got corrupted somehow…