Vim "write with sudo" not working

I'm editing a system-wide file called ssh_config in /etc/ssh folder using vi without root privilege. And I save this file by using the following command:

:w !sudo tee %

But it doesn't work, I'm getting this error

sudo: a terminal is required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from standard input or configure an askpass helper

shell returned 1

Press ENTER or type command to continue

then I try another command by explicitly provide root password.

:w !echo password | sudo -S tee %

And a warning show

W12: Warning: File "user_config" has changed and the buffer was changed in Vim as well
See ":help W12" for more info.
[O]K, (L)oad File:

I already try all the above options but none of these work. Any solution? Thanks.

If you edit the file, THEN decide you need to be root, your process needs improvement.

Think before you type.

Read man sudoedit, set up your $EDITOR and $VISUAL environment variables, and it's easy.

In emergencies ("I typed 97 lines of config and it won't let me save!"), save the file somewhere else (where you have write permission) :w/tmp/oops, exit the editor and use sudo cp /tmp/oops !$ to copy it to the right place.