How to avoid overflow in expr. A * B - C * D

I need to compute an expression which looks like: A*B - C*D, where their types are: signed long long int A, B, C, D; Each number can be really big (not overflowing its type). While A*B could cause overflow, at same time expression A*B - C*D can be really small. How can I compute it correctly?

For example: MAX * MAX - (MAX - 1) * (MAX + 1) == 1, where MAX = LLONG_MAX - n and n - some natural number.

This seems too trivial I guess. But A*B is the one that could overflow.

You could do the following, without losing precision

A*B - C*D = A(D+E) - (A+F)D
          = AD + AE - AD - DF
          = AE - DF
             ^smaller quantities E & F

E = B - D (hence, far smaller than B)
F = C - A (hence, far smaller than C)

This decomposition can be done further.
As @Gian pointed out, care might need to be taken during the subtraction operation if the type is unsigned long long.

For example, with the case you have in the question, it takes just one iteration,

 MAX * MAX - (MAX - 1) * (MAX + 1)
  A     B       C           D

E = B - D = -1
F = C - A = -1

AE - DF = {MAX * -1} - {(MAX + 1) * -1} = -MAX + MAX + 1 = 1

The simplest and most general solution is to use a representation that can't overflow, either by using a long integer library (e.g. or representing using a struct or array and implementing a kind of long multiplication (i.e. separating each number to two 32bit halves and performing the multiplication as below:

(R1 + R2 * 2^32 + R3 * 2^64 + R4 * 2^96) = R = A*B = (A1 + A2 * 2^32) * (B1 + B2 * 2^32) 
R1 = (A1*B1) % 2^32
R2 = ((A1*B1) / 2^32 + (A1*B2) % 2^32 + (A2*B1) % 2^32) % 2^32
R3 = (((A1*B1) / 2^32 + (A1*B2) % 2^32 + (A2*B1) % 2^32) / 2^32 + (A1*B2) / 2^32 + (A2*B1) / 2^32 + (A2*B2) % 2^32) %2^32
R4 = ((((A1*B1) / 2^32 + (A1*B2) % 2^32 + (A2*B1) % 2^32) / 2^32 + (A1*B2) / 2^32 + (A2*B1) / 2^32 + (A2*B2) % 2^32) / 2^32) + (A2*B2) / 2^32

Assuming the end result fits in 64 bits you actually don't really need most bits of R3 and none of R4