Automatically install build dependencies prior to building an RPM package

Solution 1:

You can use the yum-builddep command from the yum-utils package to install all the build dependencies for a package.

The arguments can either be paths to spec files, paths to source RPMs or the names of packages which exist as source RPMs in a configured repository, for example:

yum-builddep my-package.spec


yum-builddep my-package.src.rpm

The same thing can be achieved on newer versions of Fedora that use dnf as their package manager by making sure that dnf-plugins-core is installed and then doing:

dnf builddep my-package.spec


dnf builddep my-package.src.rpm

Solution 2:

yum-builddep doesn't seem to work if the mirror you use doesn't serve source RPMs. This may not handle all cases, but it usually works for me:

sudo yum install -y $(<rpmbuild> | fgrep 'is needed by' | awk '{print $1}')

where <rpmbuild> is your rpmbuild command (e.g., rpmbuild -ba foo.spec).