install amd driver on ubuntu 20.04

One problem might be that Ubuntu 20 ships with kernel version 5.4. The kernel for your driver is limited to 3.4. Might need a different Ubuntu dist? Or maybe time for a GPU upgrade? Either way, that's probably your main issue.

I've successfully installed AMD drivers on Ubuntu 20.04 for the following cards:

  • 5500 XT
  • RX Vega 64

I know those cards use a different driver, so adjust the naming convention(s) accordingly. Maybe this will be helpful for someone else.

Let's get a clean install, first.

locate amdgpu-uninstall

Should be /usr/bin/ it.

sudo /usr/bin/amdgpu-uninstall

If it fails to delete /opt/amdgpu/ and/or /opt/amdgpu-pro/ directories, then:

sudo rm -rf /opt/amd...

Here is your driver:

You'll need to unzip it.

sudo apt-get install unzip

unzip ~/Downloads/


Current AMD Driver

Again, wrong kernel, so this is probably moot.

You could try giving a different driver a whirl?

Alternatively: Check here

tar -xvf ~/Downloads/amdgpu-pro-21.30-1290604-ubuntu-20.04.tar.xz

sudo ./amdgpu-pro-21.30-1290604-ubuntu-20.04/amdgpu-install --opencl=pal,legacy,rocr --no-dkms --headless


Add yourself to render and video groups

sudo usermod -aG render $USER

sudo usermod -aG video $USER

sudo reboot

Changes won't take affect until you reboot.



Darktable Benchmark

sudo apt install darktable

sudo darktable-cltest

Linux Firmware

This might also be helpful

git clone

sudo cp ~/linux-firmware/amdgpu/* /lib/firmware/amdgpu && sudo update-initramfs -k all -u -v

Troubleshooting Resources

Folding Forum

Random Blog

Kernel Issues?

OpenCL Help


Ask Ubuntu

Good luck.

May the odds be forever in your favor.