Why are flag enums usually defined with hexadecimal values

A lot of times I see flag enum declarations that use hexadecimal values. For example:

public enum MyEnum
    None  = 0x0,
    Flag1 = 0x1,
    Flag2 = 0x2,
    Flag3 = 0x4,
    Flag4 = 0x8,
    Flag5 = 0x10

When I declare an enum, I usually declare it like this:

public enum MyEnum
    None  = 0,
    Flag1 = 1,
    Flag2 = 2,
    Flag3 = 4,
    Flag4 = 8,
    Flag5 = 16

Is there a reason or rationale to why some people choose to write the value in hexadecimal rather than decimal? The way I see it, it's easier to get confused when using hex values and accidentally write Flag5 = 0x16 instead of Flag5 = 0x10.

Solution 1:

Rationales may differ, but an advantage I see is that hexadecimal reminds you: "Okay, we're not dealing with numbers in the arbitrary human-invented world of base ten anymore. We're dealing with bits - the machine's world - and we're gonna play by its rules." Hexadecimal is rarely used unless you're dealing with relatively low-level topics where the memory layout of data matters. Using it hints at the fact that that's the situation we're in now.

Also, i'm not sure about C#, but I know that in C x << y is a valid compile-time constant. Using bit shifts seems the most clear:

public enum MyEnum
    None  = 0,
    Flag1 = 1 << 0,  //1
    Flag2 = 1 << 1,  //2
    Flag3 = 1 << 2,  //4
    Flag4 = 1 << 3,  //8
    Flag5 = 1 << 4   //16

Solution 2:

It makes it easy to see that these are binary flags.

None  = 0x0,  // == 00000
Flag1 = 0x1,  // == 00001
Flag2 = 0x2,  // == 00010
Flag3 = 0x4,  // == 00100
Flag4 = 0x8,  // == 01000
Flag5 = 0x10  // == 10000

Though the progression makes it even clearer:

Flag6 = 0x20  // == 00100000
Flag7 = 0x40  // == 01000000
Flag8 = 0x80  // == 10000000