Failed at step EXEC spawning: No such file or directory
Given the following one-shot service, enabled at boot,
Description = My Server Daemon
Documentation =
Wants = NetworkManager-wait-online.service isc-dhcp-server.service xinetd.service smbd.service
After = NetworkManager-wait-online.service isc-dhcp-server.service xinetd.service smbd.service
Type = oneshot
RemainAfterExit = yes
User = foouser
PIDFile = /run/
WorkingDirectory = /home/foouser/my-server/bin
ExecStart = /home/foouser/my-server/bin/myd
ExecStop = /home/foouser/my-server/bin/
TimeoutStopSec = 5
WantedBy =
It actually fails to start. Filtering /var/log/syslog
systemd[1]: myd.service: Failed at step CHDIR spawning /home/foouser/my-server/bin/my: No such file or directory
While journalctl --unit=myd.service
systemd[1]: myd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=200/CHDIR
So, since /home/foouser/my-server/bin/myd
is a soft link of mine to /home/foouser/my-server/xspyctra/
, I
- changed
ExecStart = /home/foouser/my-server/xspyctra/
- commented WorkingDirectory in which I'm not actually interested, since the python script will do a
by its own
Services reloaded, system rebooted, etc. But now I'm stunned from the following error
systemd[1653]: myd.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /home/foouser/my-server/xspyctra/ No such file or directory
systemd[1]: myd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
I can grant for sure that that file exists
$ ls -l /home/foouser/my-server/xspyctra/
-rwxrw-r-- 1 foouser foouser 5532 May 10 16:13 /home/foouser/my-server/xspyctra/
As a last diagnostic, service myd status
● myd.service - My Server Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/myd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2018-05-11 10:58:21 CEST; 16min ago
Main PID: 1627 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
However, this could somehow happens only during boot time. As a matter of fact,
sudo service myd stop
sudo service myd start
seems working, because service myd status
● myd.service - My Server Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/myd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: activating (start) since Fri 2018-05-11 11:22:52 CEST; 1min 16s ago
Main PID: 2106 (python2)
Tasks: 24
Memory: 545.1M
CPU: 10.913s
CGroup: /system.slice/myd.service
├─2106 python2 /home/foouser/my-server/bin/myd
├─2122 ./<my-child-process-a>
├─2127 ./<my-child-process-b>
└─2133 ./<my-child-process-c>
As expected.
Furthermore, notice that
, the actual script, will spawn a twisted.reactor
, hence will not return and stay in foreground.
So where could be my mistake ?
Solution 1:
Besides moving executables to an early-accessible location (which is anyway a good thing to do), it is possible specify mount dependencies to tell systemd to delay start-up of your unit until after the location is mounted and available.
You can either use RequiresMountsFor=
Or specify Requires=
on a corresponding .mount
unit, if you know exactly what needs to be mounted:
Solution 2:
As Kamil pointed out, /home/foouser/
does not exist at the time service started. Moving to an existing location closed the issue.