Access Windows 7 Files from Ubuntu 12.04

I'm new to Ubuntu, so can any of you give me a guide of how I can access my windows 7 files from my Ubuntu 12. I installed it using Wubi. Looked around everywhere but failed.

Solution 1:

In my case i just go to the Home Folder-->> File System-->> host-->> Users

Solution 2:

Just open up terminal and write sudo fdisk -l. then try figuring out which partition is your c drive. and then just mount the partition as:

sudo mkdir /storage
sudo mount /dev/sda3 /storage //in case dev3 is your c drive.

Why not enable mount of the windows partition on boot time? There is a utility called ntfs-config which mounts your windows partition on boot time. install it as sudo apt-get install ntfs-config and enable mount at boot as

enter image description here