Pretty print 2D list?

To make things interesting, let's try with a bigger matrix:

matrix = [
   ["Ah!",  "We do have some Camembert", "sir"],
   ["It's a bit", "runny", "sir"],
   ["Well,",  "as a matter of fact it's", "very runny, sir"],
   ["I think it's runnier",  "than you",  "like it, sir"]

s = [[str(e) for e in row] for row in matrix]
lens = [max(map(len, col)) for col in zip(*s)]
fmt = '\t'.join('{{:{}}}'.format(x) for x in lens)
table = [fmt.format(*row) for row in s]
print '\n'.join(table)


Ah!                     We do have some Camembert   sir            
It's a bit              runny                       sir            
Well,                   as a matter of fact it's    very runny, sir
I think it's runnier    than you                    like it, sir  

UPD: for multiline cells, something like this should work:

text = [
    ["Ah!",  "We do have\nsome Camembert", "sir"],
    ["It's a bit", "runny", "sir"],
    ["Well,",  "as a matter\nof fact it's", "very runny,\nsir"],
    ["I think it's\nrunnier",  "than you",  "like it,\nsir"]

from itertools import chain, izip_longest

matrix = chain.from_iterable(
        *(x.splitlines() for x in y), 
    for y in text)

And then apply the above code.

See also

If you can use Pandas (Python Data Analysis Library) you can pretty-print a 2D matrix by converting it to a DataFrame object:

from pandas import *
x = [["A", "B"], ["C", "D"]]
print DataFrame(x)

   0  1
0  A  B
1  C  D

For Python 3 without any third part libs:

matrix = [["A", "B"], ["C", "D"]]

print('\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(cell) for cell in row]) for row in matrix]))


A   B
C   D

You can always use numpy:

import numpy as np
A = [['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']]


[['A' 'B']
 ['C' 'D']]

Just to provide a simpler alternative to print('\n'.join(\['\t'.join(\[str(cell) for cell in row\]) for row in matrix\])) :

matrix = [["A", "B"], ["C", "D"]]
for row in matrix:

Explanation *row unpacks row, so print("A", "B") is called when row is ["A", "B"], for example.

Note Both answers will only be formatted nicely if each column has the same width. To change the delimiter, use the sep keyword. For example,

for row in matrix:
    print(*row, sep=', ')

will print

A, B
C, D


One-liner without a for loop

print(*(' '.join(row) for row in matrix), sep='\n')

' '.join(row) for row in matrix) returns a string for every row, e.g. A B when row is ["A", "B"].

*(' '.join(row) for row in matrix), sep='\n') unpacks the generator returning the sequence 'A B', 'C D', so that print('A B', 'C D', sep='\n') is called for the example matrix given.