Exchange 2003 calendar's "far" future is blank when scheduling

If a user tries to schedule a meeting in the "far" future, where ""far" future" seems to mean "seven or more weeks into the future", no existing meetings show up, and resources (at least) frequently (if not always) show up with the white-with-black-hatching "No Information" indicator in the meeting creation window, but shows up fine if you look at the actual calendar from the main Outlook window.

Is this expected behavior? If so, is there any way to extend how far out Exchange/Outlook will look?

Okay, many people are saying that this is controlled by Outlook, or that it's a function of Outlook. My specific problem is that I have a conference room as a resource that automatically accepts meetings, and it has very limited future data. No one ever logs in as that user (except for debugging).

So is it that Outlook controls Exchange's free/busy publication span, or does Outlook actually calculate free/busy time and upload that data to the Exchange server? If it's the former, I should be able to log in as those users and set the Free/Busy span once and have it be fine. If the latter, I'd have to log in as those resource users every once in a while to update that data. Which would raise the question of how Exchange has even a few weeks of such data considering no one has logged into those accounts for many months. Regardless, if it's the latter, is there a known way to automate updating the data?

The default is to publish free/busy data for something like 1 month into the future. You just need to change the settings in Outlook. It's easiest to accomplish with a GPO if you're in an AD setup.

Outlook controls the publication of the free/busy data. If you have a resource, you can either login with Outlook to the resource (use an Admin account, make a profile for the resource, then login to that profile); or set a GPO and that will effect the whole domain, resources included (no Outlook login necessary for resources).