virtualenv Env not creating bin directory in Windows 7

Solution 1:

On Windows, this is entirely correct. A bin directory is created on POSIX systems only. From the Windows Notes section of the documentation:

Some paths within the virtualenv are slightly different on Windows: scripts and executables on Windows go in ENV\Scripts\ instead of ENV/bin/ and libraries go in ENV\Lib\ rather than ENV/lib/.

For Windows, run \path\to\env\Scripts\activate to activate the virtualenv. From the documentation again:

On Windows you just do:

> \path\to\env\Scripts\activate

And type deactivate to undo the changes.

Based on your active shell (CMD.exe or Powershell.exe), Windows will use either activate.bat or activate.ps1 (as appropriate) to activate the virtual environment.

Solution 2:

If you're using Git Bash for Windows, I found the following command works to activate the environment: $ source (path to environment)/Scripts/activate

I was using Git Bash on Windows 10, Python(v3.7), Pip (v19.0.3), virtualenv (v16.4.3)