Open more than one instance of Windows 10 settings

How can I open more than one instance of the Windows settings?

It wasn't a problem with the old style, but with the new one I can't seem to open multiple settings simultaneously and side by side.

Example of the new settings window:

enter image description here enter image description here

How can I open more than one instance of the Windows settings?

What you want is not possible at this time. While being able to open multiple instances of a UWP application is possible, the application must be updated to support this feature, the Settings UWP application has not been updated to support this feature.

Microsoft would have to add SupportsMultipleInstances to the manifest of the Settings UWP application in order for multiple instances of the application to be launched.

Both templates add SupportsMultipleInstances to the package.appxmanifest file. Note the namespace prefix desktop4 and iot2: Only projects that target the desktop, or Internet of Things (IoT) projects support multi-instancing:

  • Create a multi-instance Universal Windows App