Why do I get a "There are NO KNOWN RESOURCES here" message when calling for scavengers from this location?

I made a radio assistance call for survivors from this area (an orchard; map location) as there is still a food resource crate there that I am unable to collect.

However, I get a "There are NO KNOWN RESOURCES here" message when I try to do so: screenshot

Why do I get this message? I'm pretty sure there's a food resource crate as I made the radio assistance call by selecting the crate and choosing the radio assistance menu. Also, is there a workaround here that I can do to still get scavengers to collect the resources?

I'm playing the Steam Early Access version on the PC.

To call for scavengers you must first search the container and verify it has a bag of resources. If the only resources left at a scavenging location are unsearched containers then you are unable to call for scavengers.

As the message says "There are no known resources here"

If you have searched the containers and there are still bags of resources to be collected and you still encounter this error then you've encountered a bug. Try loading them into your vehicle instead