Is there an English saying like "cut to the chase", but with a negative connotation?

If I say:

"You really cut to the chase there."

I think it's not clear whether I'm expressing approval or disapproval.

I'm wondering if there's a similar saying which would express the sentiment that someone has transitioned too abruptly from one thing to another.

Solution 1:

You really took some shortcuts there.

It implies essential parts were omitted.

If you want unexpected transition, it would be playing leapfrog.

You're playing leapfrog on the subjects. Could you concentrate on one thing at a time?

Solution 2:

It means ‘to get to the point, to get on with it; to concentrate on the essential elements of an issue’ (OED), and is from the film industry where it was a direction to go directly to a more interesting part such as a chase scene. Thus, it doesn’t simply mean that someone has transitioned abruptly from one thing to another, and the question of approval or disapproval doesn’t really arise.