How do I switch the Command key and Control key on a MacBook Pro?
Solution 1:
I figured it out. Put the following in ~/.Xmodmap
clear control
clear mod4
keycode 105 =
keycode 206 =
keycode 133 = Control_L NoSymbol Control_L
keycode 134 = Control_R NoSymbol Control_R
keycode 37 = Super_L NoSymbol Super_L
add control = Control_L
add control = Control_R
add mod4 = Super_L
To test, run the command:
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
To make it run every time, add it to Startup Applications.
This should work on any MacBook Pro; the issue was that Xmodmap was assigning Super_L to the left and right command keys, and Control_L to the left control key. For some reason, by default, Ubuntu thinks that the MacBook Pro has a standard 105 key keyboard (probably thinking about the full Apple Keyboard) but that is wrong. Anyway, I reassigned the keycodes to the right keysims, then assigned the keysims to control
and mod4
Solution 2:
I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 dual boot on my MBP13" yesterday. For Ubuntu 16.04, here's how i did it:
Step 1: Launch terminal
Step 2: Edit X Keyboard Extension
sudo nano /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc
Step 3: Make the following changes. Ensure your file looks like this:
key <LCTL> { [ Super_L ] };
key <LWIN> { [ Control_L ] };
key <RCTL> { [ Super_R ] };
key <RWIN> { [ Control_R ] };
Step 4: Clear xkb's cache
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/xkb/*
Step 5 (conditional): If the keys are not swapped after step 4, restart your computer. It worked for me after this.
Hope it helps, good luck!
Solution 3:
Go into System -> Preferences -> Keyboard
Click on the "Layouts" tab and then click the "Layout Options" button.
Click on "Alt/Win key behavior"
Select "Control is mapped to Win keys (and the usual ctrl key).
Solution 4:
Updated for 18.04 since none of the provided answers seemed to work on my system. I did a clean install of 18.04 and attempting to use a wired aluminum apple keyboard. Default behavior of Left Super on English US is mapped to Gnome Desktop Dashboard. Tweak tool had all the necessary settings in an easy to use GUI!
sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
First I swapped the dashboard hotkey to the right side and then under "Additional Layout Options" you can use "Ctrl position/ Swap Left Win with Left Ctrl" to good effect.
Solution 5:
Go to system settings and then to keyboard layout, then to options, then to Win/Alt key behavior, and then check the "Meta switches Ctrl" and then in the Ctrl Position check "Ctrl switches Meta" and there you have it!
on 12.04.1 you change this by:
First, going to "System Settings" then clicking on "Keyboard" then "Layout Settings" (in the bottom left), then "Options" in the bottom right, then expanding the "Alt/Win key behavior" tab, then selecting "Control is mapped to win Keys (and the usual Ctrl keys)"