Where can I find words that have "literary meaning" like "ardent", "antic"

Is there a place on the Interent where we can find words with meaning that marked as literary in the Oxford Dictionaries (Lexico) like these:


literary: because; since: he felt guilty, for he knew that he bore a share of responsibility for Fanny's death.


literary: grotesque or bizarre.


literary: a bird's wing as used in flight.


archaic or literary: burning; glowing

I tried googling it but only found list of terms like "oxymoron" that describe different figure of speech..

Solution 1:

Depending on how much time/energy/money/programming you are willing to throw at this problem, the Oxford English Dictionary provides an API for querying the dictionary; you could just ask for words with definitions with the "literary" tag.

Solution 2:

Try the following lists. Number 1 meets your specifications, although it is by no means comprehensive, while the rest are lists of archaic words, which my New American Oxford Dictionary sometimes labels as literary as well. Number 5 is the most comprehensive of the lists.

  1. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/explore/literary-words
  2. http://phrontistery.info/archaic.html
  3. https://www.vocabulary.com/lists/13150
  4. https://www.vocabulary.com/lists/18058
  5. http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/words.html