Rbuildignore and Excluding Directories

I am interested in excluding two directories inst\docs and inst\examples while building and installing the package. I know that an easy way out is just to move docs and examples to the root directory and they won't get installed. However, I want to keep them in inst for other reasons.

I tried adding the following lines to .Rbuildignore


I use RStudio v 0.97 and devtools to build and install the package from source. However, when I do that, I still see that inst\docs and inst\examples get installed. I tried different regexes, but nothing seemed to work.

Am I doing something wrong?

You can do

usethis::use_build_ignore(c("yourfolder1", "yourfolder2", "yourfile"))

This appears to be an issue with RStudio. Using install from the devtools package seems to cause the folders to be ignored. Building and installing directly from the command line also seems to cause the folders to be ignored. The 'Build & Reload' button in RStudio, however, seems to not take into account the .Rbuildignore for those folders.