CSS: limit element to 1 line

Solution 1:

It is possible:

element (white-space: nowrap; overflow: scroll;)

Text parsed as HTML or XML is tokenized, which means all runs of whitespace are collapsed to a single space character. This means you will have a single line of text unless you specify something in addition to the overflow declaration that could cause your text to wrap.

EDIT: I failed to include the necessary write-space: nowrap property, otherwise the default is that a container will scroll vertically opposed to horizontally.

Solution 2:

use display block so it won't go beyond your parent element.

    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    display: block;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

Solution 3:

p#foo {

Solution 4:

If you are looking to disable text wrapping, use white-space: nowrap;.