Earthed (Grounded) Stubby Plug for MacBook AC Adapter

Much hay has been made of the apparent grounding issue while using the stubby plug on a MacBook AC adapter.

While I understand it is completely safe to have a bit of grounding flowing through the user, those of us who live and work in the tropics would love to find a grounded (earthed) stubby plug adapter.

I see no reason this shouldn't exist, given that the longer cable is grounded via the metal stump on the AC adapter, but I haven't found one.

Notably, I am in Australia, where the plug head doesn't fold over anyhow, but I'd also love a US version.

Solution 1:

I have only just discovered this problem with a 2017 MacBook Pro. I get a tingling feeling from the MacBook and realised that the earth part of the apple UK 13 amp plug is a dummy (not connected with the circular locking spur on the charger unit) but I noticed on my early MacBook Air that there was an earth connector on the apple plug and so I swapped it and now I do not have the tingling problem. I do have it on the Air with the new "improved" apple plug.