How to Install LabVIEW Community Linux?

Note: This is a copy of answer from new OP question, Ask for removal if he/she posted his/her answer.

Starting of, you will have to download the ISO file from the official National Instruments site:

Once the ISO file is downloaded, extract the files within it wherever you want.

Now, as mentioned earlier, as far as 2020 SP1 version, LabVIEW isn't supported for Ubuntu, the files within the extracted folder are .rpm, which, on itself won't install well most likely. This means you need to turn the .rpm files to .deb, if you have never done this, it is rather simple, you need to install Alien (in case you don't have it installed), in the terminal this command should get the job done:

sudo apt-get install alien

Once you have Alien installed, in your terminal, go to the folder where you extracted all the files from the ISO, once there, you'll perform the .rpm to .deb conversion:

sudo alien *.rpm --scripts

This will convert ALL .rpm files to .deb, more precisely, it will create all the corresponding .deb files without deleting the .rpm ones, don't worry about the latter, they will be ignored in the rest of the process.

Once the alien command ends, it is time to install the files, to do so, run the next command:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

When you do it all the .deb files will be installed.

Here is where the real mess began when I performed this process, the installed files should be in: /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2020-64 (The last direction may vary as this post gets older, but you should find that folder in /usr/local/natinst.

I encountered some problems at this stage, because i tried to execute the ``labviewcommunity``` file with:


Yet, when doing so, I got an error message, sorry if I cant give you the details on the precise error, don't have record of it, but I found a solution online:

In case you have problems with that solution, what I did was, downloaded this file:

And when you extract its content, the initial folder is named usr, you'll have to copy and paste all the contents from this file into your usr folder in exactly the same folders as they appear on the tar file.

Once you do this, labviewcommunity ran, it asked me to log in, and when I did so, Firefox told me that i was authenticated but LabVIEW said that the authentication process had failed. I got stuck trying too much, until just to see what happened, I decided to try a file named labviewprofull with:


And to my surprise, this worked, it opened a fully functional LabVIEW.

To create a desktop file in order to open LabView from your desktop, you can create an empty file in the text editor, and put in this:

Type=Application Terminal=false Exec=env

Don't forget to change the Icon location to wherever you have the file for the Icon of LabVIEW.

Having done so, save this file in your desktop as LabVIEW.desktop, right click on it and select Allow Launching. This should allow you to have LabVIEW community on Ubuntu. Don't forget to comment in case you have some problems, see if either me or someone can help.

I hope this turns out to be useful to someone else, good luck ;)

I have installed labview for Linux using Ubuntu, and there is a script provided for installing the rpms. There is no need to convert the rpms to deb.

Once you have mounted the LabView.iso, cd into the Linux distribution. There you will find a ./bin/INSTALL.norpms script. This script is documented, but poorly.

Here is an example of how I installed an rpm file:


^---- this was my working folder for LabVIEW

mkdir /usr/local/natinst/
chmod 755 /usr/local/natinst/

Install packages (.rpm) files, Working Example:

sudo ./bin/INSTALL.norpm labview-2020-desktop-20.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm

To verify:

ls -lta /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2020-64/etc/desktop/*

I would say this is an undocumented but huge simplification of the install to Ubuntu.

Thanks for the very helpful instruction to the one who answered first!

It works very fine!

One think I would at is:

It is possible that you have to convert some packages (i386) at first in tgz and in the next step to deb

For me was this a help:

I changed to the mounted iso-directory and typed:

sudo ./bin/INSTALL.norpm labview-2020-profull-exe-

This installed the labviewprofull, which is automatically symbolic linked to labview -> no further thing to be done.
labview can now be started as an application.