Disable .dev redirection to HTTPS in Firefox

In February, Firefox began to force .dev requests to https.

Is there a way to disable this? I'd rather update one config in a browser than the dozen or so changes I'll need to make in order to support HTTPS on

Solution 1:

In February, Firefox began to force .dev requests to https.

This is because .dev has been bought by Google as one of their 100+ new gTLDs.

It is unlikely that Firefox and Chrome will make changes to their browsers, so you will have to consider making a change to your development environment.

With .dev being an official gTLD, we're most likely better of changing our preferred local development suffix from .dev to something else.

If you're looking for a quick "search and replace" alternative for existing setups, consider the .test gTLD, which is a reserved name by IETF for testing (or development) purposes.

There's also an excellent proposal to add the .localhost domain as a new standard, which would be more appropriate here. It would mean we no longer have site.dev, but site.localhost. And everything at *.localhost would automatically translate to, without /etc/hosts or dnsmasq workarounds.

Source Chrome & Firefox now force .dev domains to HTTPS via preloaded HSTS