Disable Integrity Check On Ubuntu Server 20.04.1 ISO?

Trying to install Ubuntu Server 20.04.1 from ISO virtually mounted at ILO4. I get this integrity check, which takes ages How to skip? Integrity Check Issue

It's insane. Takes more than half an hour now and nothing...

I was plagued with this issue as well, would easily take 40+ minutes for the check to finish when using IPMI virtual media.

I believe I've found a workaround for now.

  1. Spam press Ctrl+C as soon as you see the purple screen appear after booting from ISO. You should see the following screen after pressing Ctrl+C:

    enter image description here

  2. Select your language, press Enter. Then, once the screen is at Install Ubuntu Server, select F6 Other Options:

    enter image description here

  3. Press Esc to close the dialog box in the bottom left corner. At this point, you should be able to type on the line that starts with Boot Options.... Replace quiet with fsck.mode=skip, then press Enter:

    enter image description here

At this point you should be able to boot without disk verification which is very fast over an IPMI-mounted disk.