Shortcut Key to Open file with non- default programs?

Suppose there are two programs installed in my PC to open a PDF file. (Adobe Reader and Foxit)

Foxit is set as the default program to open pdf files. Now I want to open pdf files with Adobe Reader but I don't want to use(click on) "Open With" from context menu. Is there any way that I can open a file with a different application I want?

For Example, an ideal way to open in Adobe Reader would be:

Shift(or any key)+Double click on the file.

Thank you.

To open a dropdown along with the Open With.. menu for a selected file, the keyboard shortcut is:


Look at the dropdown that opens and find out the position of Adobe Acrobat in the list. in my case, it is the first option, so I can just press Enter.

If it is below that, press the down arrow key for the required number of times and Press Enter.

If your file is not in the list, then the shortcut to open with other apps is:
