Gaining the "I Believe I Can Fly" Achievement in Just Cause 2

I can't find the best place to Base Jump in order to get the "I Believe I Can Fly" Achievement in Just Cause 2. Any of the mountains I scale widen too quickly in order to me to find a clear path that I can reliably control my descent while also achieving the 1 km drop I need in order to get the achievement.

I've tried it from the "highest point" of Panau Island (and I'm sure it's the highest point because I got the achievement for standing there), but I just wrecked into a tree and/or the ground frequently, because I can't get far enough away from the mountain-side. None of the landmarks I could find (Three Kings Hotel/Towers, Rocket Launch Pads) are high enough, and I am assuming that I cannot just do it from a plane nor helicopter. Though, admittedly, I haven't tried that yet.

Is there more than one place 1 km high that I can fall from in order to get the achievement? Should I be able to do it from any mountain tall enough provided that I control the skydive maneuvering well enough?

Solution 1:

The Mile High Club, which can be found in the top right corner of the map, is the most immediate option that comes to mind. Confirmed by Poindexter, thanks!