Where else to go for help if not helped at Ask Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

Some places you can go when looking for help when using the RTFM method ...

The Official Ubuntu Documentation page where you can find the official documentation developed and maintained by the Ubuntu Documentation Project.

The Ubuntu Documentation Wiki, whose home page I can never seem to find with a search, is a community-driven and open area of the Ubuntu documentation website which anyone can edit.

The Ubuntu Wiki. (I'm never really sure what this site is about or where to look for things on it, but there it is all the same. It does have a somewhat pretty page containing Ubuntu Release Information)

Ubuntu Common Questions (aka FAQ) page

The Ubuntu Manpage Repository

The Ubuntu Index of all available pages (Supposedly a list/index of all community documentation pages.)

Solution 2:

I feel the question is missing something. It's phrased in the manner of "I didn't get help here... where else can I go to find people to help me?" But Ask Ubuntu isn't really about helping people one-on-one. If that were the primary purpose, we wouldn't close questions because they are duplicates or bug reports. The primary purpose of Ask Ubuntu is to create a useful resource for people to look up their question and find answers.

So the proper answer to "I didn't get help here. What do I do next?" is:

"Do your research. Search for similar, related questions. Then if you still haven't gotten anywhere, edit and improve your question using the knowledge you have garnered."

Ideally you're supposed to have done this first. But often people do not. The FAQ actually suggests doing this.

First, search Ask Ubuntu. Experiment with different keywords. Use more restricted searches first, e.g. more specific keywords and also putting phrases in quotes, and then lighten the constraints if you aren't finding what you need.

Next, you can use Google to search for key terms. Even if you didn't get an answer from searching Ask Ubuntu, you might have gotten some ideas of what to search for. Google will find you hits from a variety of forums and is still generally considered the best search engine. You might also consider using Google's site specific search. Along with your keywords, just type in site:askubuntu.com, for example, to search only Ask Ubuntu. Or site:ubuntuforums.org to search Ubuntu forums (forum search can be pretty bad, so this really helps).

Finally after all that, if you still haven't found your answer, you're hopefully much better informed, and you should yet again consider posting here or at least updating your question.

Solution 3:

There is also the paid official support:

  • http://www.ubuntu.com/support

and others forums like:

  • http://ubuntuforums.org/
  • http://www.linuxquestions.org/
  • https://unix.stackexchange.com/
  • https://superuser.com/

Solution 4:

You can go to Ubuntu forums.


Solution 5:

You might also check out the ubuntu IRC channels on freenode. http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/chat