Eyeglasses, spectacles, goggles and glasses. But in which order?

Solution 1:

OED has the following first citations for the sense of lenses to alter vision:

  • spectacles: c1430
  • glasses: 1545
  • goggles: 1715
  • eye-glass: 1768

eyeglass n.
3b. In mod. use, a lens of glass or crystal for assisting defective sight. double eye-glass, (pair of) eyeglasses : two such lenses mounted side by side so as to assist the sight of both eyes; the name is by usage restricted to a pair of lenses to be held in the hand or kept in position by a spring on the nose; those which are secured by pieces of metal placed over the ears being called spectacles.

1768 T. Harmer in Philos. Trans. 1767 (Royal Soc.) 57 283, I have often found, by the help of an eye-glass, that..I passed over great multitudes of eggs.