Killing all instances of Chrome on the command-line?

In some cases killing a single tab/process doesn't do it and I need to close Chrome entirely. Since Chrome has multiple processes, how can I close all of them at once?

I know that...

pgrep chrome returns all the pids. What is a trick that would allow me to close all of them by feeding them to another command or merging them to a CSV file or something?

Solution 1:

Try using pkill(1).

pkill chrome

Solution 2:

ps aux | grep chrome | awk ' { print $2 } ' | xargs kill -9


pgrep chrome | xargs kill -9


ps aux | awk '/chrome/ { print $2 } ' | xargs kill -9

The latter is more "elegant" as it will not pick up the actual pid for "grep chrome" inside of its ps listing


Solution 3:

Some systems may also have useful programs such as killall and pidof (which is actually provided by the System V killall5):

killall chrome
kill -9 `pidof chrome`

Both of these should accomplish what you are asking.

Solution 4:

You should really just use pkill as jschmier suggests, but if you insist on pgrep, just use command substitution:

kill $(pgrep chrome)

Solution 5:

The easiest command is this one:

sudo killall chrome

This will, with administrative permissions, kill all processes that contain chrome in their name.

See man killall for more information...