jquery UI Sortable with table and tr width

I found the answer here.

I modified it slightly to clone the row, instead of adding widths to the original:

  helper: function(e, tr)
    var $originals = tr.children();
    var $helper = tr.clone();
      // Set helper cell sizes to match the original sizes
    return $helper;

I think it can help:

.ui-sortable-helper {
    display: table;

The selected answer here is a really nice solution, but it has one severe bug which is apparent in the original JS fiddle (http://jsfiddle.net/bgrins/tzYbU/): try dragging the longest row (God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater), and the rest of the cell widths collapse.

This means that fixing the cell widths on the dragged cell is not enough - you also need to fix widths on the table.

$(function () {
    $('td, th', '#sortFixed').each(function () {
        var cell = $(this);

    $('#sortFixed tbody').sortable().disableSelection();

JS Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/rp4fV/3/

This fixes the problem of the table collapsing after you drag the first column, but introduces a new one: if you change the content of the table the cell sizes are now fixed.

To work around this when adding or changing content you would need to clear the widths set:

$('td, th', '#sortFixed').each(function () {
    var cell = $(this);

Then add your content, then fix widths again.

This still isn't a complete solution, as (especially with a table) you need a drop placeholder. For that we need to add a function on start that builds the placeholder:

$('#sortFixed tbody').sortable({
    items: '> tr',
    forcePlaceholderSize: true,
    start: function (event, ui) {
        // Build a placeholder cell that spans all the cells in the row
        var cellCount = 0;
        $('td, th', ui.helper).each(function () {
            // For each TD or TH try and get it's colspan attribute, and add that or 1 to the total
            var colspan = 1;
            var colspanAttr = $(this).attr('colspan');
            if (colspanAttr > 1) {
                colspan = colspanAttr;
            cellCount += colspan;

        // Add the placeholder UI - note that this is the item's content, so TD rather than TR
        ui.placeholder.html('<td colspan="' + cellCount + '">&nbsp;</td>');

JS Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/rp4fV/4/

It's seems that cloning the row doesn't work well on IE8, but the original solution does.

Tested with the jsFiddle.

Call this following code when your table is ready to be sorted, this will make sure your td elements has a fixed with without breaking table structure.

 $(".tableToSort td").each(function () {
            $(this).css("width", $(this).width());