When to use CouchDB vs RDBMS [closed]

Solution 1:

I recently attended the NoSQL conference in London and think I have a better idea now how to answer the original question. I also wrote a blog post, and there are a couple of other good ones.

Key points:

  • We have accumulated probably 30 years knowledge of adminstering relational databases, so shouldn't replace them without careful consideration; non-relational data stores are less mature than relational ones, and so are inherently more risky to adopt
  • There are different types of non-relational data store; some are key-value stores, some are document stores, some are graph databases
  • You could use a hybrid approach, e.g. a combination of RDBMS and graph data store for a social software site
  • Document data stores (e.g. CouchDB and MongoDB) are probably the closest to relational databases and provide a JSON data structure with all the fields presented hierarchically which avoids having to do table joins, and (some might argue) is an improvement on the traditional object-relational mapping that most applications currently use
  • Non-relational databases support replication (including master-master); relational databases support replication too but it may not be as comprehensive as the non-relational option
  • Very large sites such as Twitter, Digg and Facebook use Cassandra, which is built from the ground up to support clustering
  • Relational databases are probably suitable for 90% of cases

In summary, consensus seems to be "proceed with caution".

Solution 2:

Until someone gives a more in-depth answer, here are some pros and cons for CouchDB


  • you don't need to fit your data into one of those pesky higher-order normal forms
  • you can change the "schema" of your data at any time
  • your data will be indexed exactly for your queries, so you will get results in constant time.


  • you need to create views for each and every query, i.e. ad-hoc like queries (such as concatenating dynamic WHERE's and SORT's in an SQL) queries are not available.
  • you will either have redundant data, or you will end up implementing join and sort logic yourself on "client-side" (e.g. sorting a many-to-many relationship on multiple fields)

Pros or Cons:

  • creating your views are not as straightforward as in SQL, it's more like solving a puzzle. Depends on your type if this is a pro or a con :)