Is there a word to describe 'Slow Snowfall'?

With similarities to this question: What is the word for "Slow raining"? but related to snow, not rain.

I'm looking for a descriptive word that would describe slow snowfall. Can you help?

You mean a snow flurry?

a light, brief shower of snow.

A snow flurry is a brief instance of light snow, with very little or no accumulation of snow on the ground.

A snow shower in which only light snow falls for a few minutes is typically called a snow flurry. Flurries usually produce little accumulation (Definition from American Meteorological Society and National Snow and Ice Data Centre).

Intense snow showers on the other hand are called snow squalls and snowbursts. Snowdrift refers to accumulation.

When there is a very light snowfall I often hear dusting.

For slow snow I have heard the term heavy used to describe the snow flakes probably because the flakes are bigger (which causes them to fall slower).