Add / Change parameter of URL and redirect to the new URL

If the &view-all parameter does NOT exist in the URL I need to add it to the end of the URL along with a value. If it DOES exist then I need to be able to just change the value without creating a new URL because it might, or might not, have other parameters before it.

I found this function but I can't get it to work:

Here is the code I have using the function above (which I can't get to work):

I know how to append the parameter and value already:

<div onclick="javascript: window.location.assign(window.location.href+='&view-all=Yes');">Blah Blah</div>

More Info:

If the URL is then the default "&view-all" value would be "Yes" so the URL they would be directed to when they click the button is

If the URL is then when they click the button it would change to​​​

EDIT: Please give me examples. I don't know alot of JS, and I just can't think of a way to do it in PHP.

function setGetParameter(paramName, paramValue)
    var url = window.location.href;
    var hash = location.hash;
    url = url.replace(hash, '');
    if (url.indexOf(paramName + "=") >= 0)
        var prefix = url.substring(0, url.indexOf(paramName + "=")); 
        var suffix = url.substring(url.indexOf(paramName + "="));
        suffix = suffix.substring(suffix.indexOf("=") + 1);
        suffix = (suffix.indexOf("&") >= 0) ? suffix.substring(suffix.indexOf("&")) : "";
        url = prefix + paramName + "=" + paramValue + suffix;
    if (url.indexOf("?") < 0)
        url += "?" + paramName + "=" + paramValue;
        url += "&" + paramName + "=" + paramValue;
    window.location.href = url + hash;

Call the function above in your onclick event.

Why parse the query string yourself when you can let the browser do it for you?

function changeQS(key, value) {
    let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
    urlParams.set(key, value); = urlParams.toString();

All the preivous solution doesn't take in account posibility of the substring in parameter. For example http://xyz?ca=1&a=2 wouldn't select parameter a but ca. Here is function which goes through parameters and checks them.

function setGetParameter(paramName, paramValue)
  var url = window.location.href;
  var hash = location.hash;
  url = url.replace(hash, '');
  if (url.indexOf("?") >= 0)
    var params = url.substring(url.indexOf("?") + 1).split("&");
    var paramFound = false;
    params.forEach(function(param, index) {
      var p = param.split("=");
      if (p[0] == paramName) {
        params[index] = paramName + "=" + paramValue;
        paramFound = true;
    if (!paramFound) params.push(paramName + "=" + paramValue);
    url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")+1) + params.join("&");
    url += "?" + paramName + "=" + paramValue;
  window.location.href = url + hash;