shared_ptr to an array : should it be used?

Just a small query regarding shared_ptr.

Is it a good practice to use shared_ptr pointing to an array? For example,

shared_ptr<int> sp(new int[10]);

If not, then why not? One reason I am already aware of is one can not increment/decrement the shared_ptr. Hence it can not be used like a normal pointer to an array.

With C++17, shared_ptr can be used to manage a dynamically allocated array. The shared_ptr template argument in this case must be T[N] or T[]. So you may write

shared_ptr<int[]> sp(new int[10]);

From n4659, [util.smartptr.shared.const]

  template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr(Y* p);

Requires: Y shall be a complete type. The expression delete[] p, when T is an array type, or delete p, when T is not an array type, shall have well-defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions.
Remarks: When T is an array type, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless the expression delete[] p is well-formed and either T is U[N] and Y(*)[N] is convertible to T*, or T is U[] and Y(*)[] is convertible to T*. ...

To support this, the member type element_type is now defined as

using element_type = remove_extent_t<T>;

Array elements can be access using operator[]

  element_type& operator[](ptrdiff_t i) const;

Requires: get() != 0 && i >= 0. If T is U[N], i < N. ...
Remarks: When T is not an array type, it is unspecified whether this member function is declared. If it is declared, it is unspecified what its return type is, except that the declaration (although not necessarily the definition) of the function shall be well formed.

Prior to C++17, shared_ptr could not be used to manage dynamically allocated arrays. By default, shared_ptr will call delete on the managed object when no more references remain to it. However, when you allocate using new[] you need to call delete[], and not delete, to free the resource.

In order to correctly use shared_ptr with an array, you must supply a custom deleter.

template< typename T >
struct array_deleter
  void operator ()( T const * p)
    delete[] p; 

Create the shared_ptr as follows:

std::shared_ptr<int> sp(new int[10], array_deleter<int>());

Now shared_ptr will correctly call delete[] when destroying the managed object.

The custom deleter above may be replaced by

  • the std::default_delete partial specialization for array types

    std::shared_ptr<int> sp(new int[10], std::default_delete<int[]>());
  • a lambda expression

    std::shared_ptr<int> sp(new int[10], [](int *p) { delete[] p; });

Also, unless you actually need share onwership of the managed object, a unique_ptr is better suited for this task, since it has a partial specialization for array types.

std::unique_ptr<int[]> up(new int[10]); // this will correctly call delete[]

Changes introduced by the C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals

Another pre-C++17 alternative to the ones listed above was provided by the Library Fundamentals Technical Specification, which augmented shared_ptr to allow it to work out of the box for the cases when it owns an array of objects. The current draft of the shared_ptr changes slated for this TS can be found in N4082. These changes will be accessible via the std::experimental namespace, and included in the <experimental/memory> header. A few of the relevant changes to support shared_ptr for arrays are:

— The definition of the member type element_type changes

typedef T element_type;

 typedef typename remove_extent<T>::type element_type;

— Member operator[] is being added

 element_type& operator[](ptrdiff_t i) const noexcept;

— Unlike the unique_ptr partial specialization for arrays, both shared_ptr<T[]> and shared_ptr<T[N]> will be valid and both will result in delete[] being called on the managed array of objects.

 template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr(Y* p);

Requires: Y shall be a complete type. The expression delete[] p, when T is an array type, or delete p, when T is not an array type, shall be well-formed, shall have well defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions. When T is U[N], Y(*)[N] shall be convertible to T*; when T is U[], Y(*)[] shall be convertible to T*; otherwise, Y* shall be convertible to T*.

A possibly easier alternative that you might be able to use is shared_ptr<vector<int>>.