20.04 how to use Adobe Connect in Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

I found an easy way to do it. Just install the latest version of Ruffle for your browser of choice. It is a Flashplayer alternative written in Rust and works perfectly. Hope that works for you!

Solution 2:

This really depends on the server's adobe connect version but you could try adding:


to the end of the url.

So for example


would become


Then click 'Open in Browser' button. I guess this way, you see the HTML version of adobe connect.

Solution 3:

I found this Last Published: March 10, 2012

To share your screen or documents in an Adobe Connect room, first install the Connect Add-in. Previously, the Add-in was only available to Windows and Mac OS users. But with Adobe Connect 8, Adobe has extended support to Linux via Ubuntu. At this time, Ubuntu version 10.04 (or Lucid Lynx) is the only supported version of Linux.

To verify that your Ubuntu version supports the Add-in, select System, and then click About Ubuntu. About Ubuntu

If the Ubuntu version listed is 10.04, as in the screenshot above, proceed with the installation.

Install Adobe Flash Player version 10.x if you have not done so already. The installation procedure is listed on the Flash Player 10 website at  www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/productinfo/instructions/#section-3. Follow the .deb installation instructions.
Open a browser, log in to Connect, and navigate to the Resources section. Click Getting Started, and then click Downloads. 
Save to a location you can remember.
Double-click ConnectAddin.deb.
Follow the onscreen installer instructions.
Go to Flash Player Settings or right-click on any instance of Flash Player.
Click Global Security Settings Panel.
In the Global Security Settings Panel, select Always Allow.
Reenter the meeting URL into your browser. The Add-in automatically launches and you join the meeting.
If the Add-in does not launch, close all browsers and relaunch the meeting in a new browser session.

Solution 4:

I use chrome for accessing our classes by adobe connect in Ubuntu. So install it from here. ( dont use apt-get or other tools, please just use the package from google website). there are two problems before you can use web-base adobe connect in ubuntu. first, flash playing is deprecated on chrome and other browsers. In order to use flash playing, I would recommand using chrome with a plugin called Ruffle. Ruffle is a flash emulator plugin. Easily, add Ruffle extension in to your browser from here. Now you can play flash on your chrome browser. Second, when you add Adobe Connect URL to your browser, you should tell the browser that you want to run Adobe connect in your browser. For this, you should add &proto=true at the end of your Adobe Connect link. (Caution: after passing your credentials on login page, URL address is changed to the long url to which then you should add &proto=true). For example: http://blabla.com/Tra1596?meeting-passcode=%24%24%3A%3AnMgqpxMRxj54kTAU%2FwiDDQ%3D%3D%3A%3A8l8inc3HLzuBgyTzkUEwsg%3D%3D&OWASP_CSRFTOKEN=5aa8918711e99c8dc63cdf2535ade7fb1f5ef6e3e4c133e07a1596964065361b&proto=true Now scroll down and click on “Open In Browser”. If you dont see the long URL after passing your credentail, you should clear your cookies for your Adobe Connect link.