escaping special characters like & in android xml
Solution 1:
Try reading this page: it looks like it contains the answer you are looking for.
In summary, here is the list of escaped characters and the escape code
Character Predeclared Entity
& &
< <
> >
" "
' '
Referenced from the link.
Solution 2:
For me " ; didin't work so I used \"" and this character was escaped.
Solution 3:
Well in Android XML simply adding the Predeclared entities didn't work in my case, needed to add a backslash before it.
So in order to escape something & something
<string name="app_name">something \& something</string>
In the case of apostrophe and quotes simply using a backslash works too.
Like for escaping something like "That's it"
you can simply use:
<string name="demo">\"That\'s it\"</string>
instead of the usual
<string name="demo">\"That\'s it\"</string>
Hope this will be of help when someone like me stumbles on this question.