Initiate scan from Fujitsu ix500 to Linux over USB

scanimage supports the ix500 scanner over usb


scanimage -L
device `fujitsu:ScanSnap iX500:59766' is a FUJITSU ScanSnap iX500 scanner

So what's missing it the trigger from the button. I found

mentioning a scannerbuttond package. There is a german description at:

  • and an english one at

Both are a bit outdated but give some hints on the general idea. Here is a description of a trial with an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS virtual machine. After installing

sudo apt-get install scanbuttond

I connected the scanner by assigning it's USB device to the virtual machine.

scanimage -L

worked as described above.

sudo sane-find-scanner

  # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
  # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
  # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.

  # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that
  # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

found USB scanner (vendor=0x04c5 [Fujitsu], product=0x132b [ScanSnap iX500]) at libusb:003:007
could not fetch string descriptor: Input/output error
could not fetch string descriptor: Input/output error
could not fetch string descriptor: Pipe error
could not fetch string descriptor: Pipe error
could not fetch string descriptor: Pipe error
could not fetch string descriptor: Pipe error
could not fetch string descriptor: Input/output error
  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

  # Not checking for parallel port scanners.

  # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports
  # can't be detected by this program.

looks promising.

sudo scanbd -d7 -f

starts the daemon in foreground with debugging set to a high level. In my case i had to comment out some scanner drivers in dll.conf to get rid of results from a different scanner that was available on my network.

Due to bug I also had to change the users / group settings.

diff --git a/scanbd/scanbd.conf b/scanbd/scanbd.conf
index 5d74933..1356236 100644
--- a/scanbd/scanbd.conf
+++ b/scanbd/scanbd.conf
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ global {
         # ArchLinux (ArchLinux doesn't have saned user)
         # user    = daemon
         # *BSD
-        # user    = root
-        user    = saned
+        user    = root
+        #user    = saned

I added the full path to my test script 5 times in scanbd.conf and 4 times in scanner.d/fujitsu.conf:

root@fur:/etc/scanbd# grep scanbd.conf 
                script = "/home/wf/bin/"
                script = "/home/wf/bin/"
                script = "/home/wf/bin/"
                script = "/home/wf/bin/"
                script = "/home/wf/bin/"
root@fur:/etc/scanbd# cd scanner.d/
root@fur:/etc/scanbd/scanner.d# grep fujitsu.conf 
                script = "/home/wf/bin/"
                script = "/home/wf/bin/"
                script = "/home/wf/bin/"
                script = "/home/wf/bin/"

with the script being:

# WF 2018-12-18
echo "scanning"
echo "scan button pressed on ix500" >> /tmp/ix500.log

i then tested with

sudo scanbd -f

in one terminal and

tail -f /tmp/ix500.log

in another.

scanbd: dbus match type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager'
scanbd: SANE_CONFIG_DIR not set
scanbd: Not Primary Owner (-1)
scanbd: Name Error (Connection ":1.96" is not allowed to own the service "de.kmux.scanbd.server" due to security policies in the configuration file)
scanbd: trigger action for page-loaded for device fujitsu:ScanSnap iX500:59766 with script /home/wf/bin/

shows on the daemon's foreground output


scan button pressed on ix500

from here it seems be all downhill - the environment variables being passed are described in the scanbd.conf file.

e.g. modifying to:

# WF 2018-12-18
echo "scanning"
cat << EOF >> /tmp/ix500.log
scan button pressed on ix500

will create

scan button pressed on ix500
function: 1
mode: Lineart
device: fujitsu:ScanSnap iX500:59766
action: scan

on the press of the scan button :-)

Running on Ubuntu 18.04 I was able to get my script starting for my fujitsu snapscan ix500.

Use sudo apt install scanbd to install the button daemon. Start lsusb to get your scanner usb identifier.

$ lsusb 
Bus 003 Device 009: ID 04c5:132b Fujitsu, Ltd 

So I grep for 132b to find which driver supports my scanner.

$ grep 132b /etc/sane.d/*.conf
/etc/sane.d/fujitsu.conf:usb 0x04c5 0x132b
/etc/sane.d/magicolor.conf:# usb 0x132b 0x2098

Which is the fujtisu driver in my case.

I copied the original configuration like this:

sudo cp /etc/sane.d/dll.conf /etc/sane.d/dll.conf.orig
sudo cp /etc/scanbd/dll.conf /etc/scanbd/dll.conf.orig
sudo cp /etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf /etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf.orig

Change the /etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf to run the service as root instead of saned user and change the action script to my own script.

$ sudo vi /etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf
        user    = root
        # user    = saned
        action scan {
                filter = "^scan.*"
                numerical-trigger {
                        from-value = 1
                        to-value   = 0
                desc   = "Scan to file"
                # script must be an relative path starting from scriptdir (see above),
                # or an absolute pathname.
                # It must contain the path to the action script without arguments
                # Absolute path example: script = "/some/path/foo.script
                # script = "test.script"
                script = "/home/madmike/bin/scan"

Change the files /etc/sane.d/dll.conf and /etc/scanbd/dll.conf to only contain one line with the name of the driver supporting your scanner. In my case fujitsu

$ sudo /etc/sane.d/dll.conf
# yada yada comment
# ...

$ sudo /etc/scanbd/dll.conf
# yada yada comment
# ...

The easiest way to test the setup is to stop the systemd-daemon and run it in the console.

sudo systemctl stop scanbd
sudo scanbd -d7 -f

If your script gets called, you can stop scanbd with Ctrl-c in the console and start the daemon again.

sudo systemctl start scanbd

The question wants to scan what is on the scanner. I'll post the script I wrote later with a update to this answer.

I've used this answer and the guide here for Raspberry-Pi to find this solution.