Weighted random sample in python

From your code: ..

weight_sample_indexes = lambda weights, k: random.sample([val 
        for val, cnt in enumerate(weights) for i in range(cnt)], k)

.. I assume that weights are positive integers and by "without replacement" you mean without replacement for the unraveled sequence.

Here's a solution based on random.sample and O(log n) __getitem__:

import bisect
import random
from collections import Counter, Sequence

def weighted_sample(population, weights, k):
    return random.sample(WeightedPopulation(population, weights), k)

class WeightedPopulation(Sequence):
    def __init__(self, population, weights):
        assert len(population) == len(weights) > 0
        self.population = population
        self.cumweights = []
        cumsum = 0 # compute cumulative weight
        for w in weights:
            cumsum += w   
    def __len__(self):
        return self.cumweights[-1]
    def __getitem__(self, i):
        if not 0 <= i < len(self):
            raise IndexError(i)
        return self.population[bisect.bisect(self.cumweights, i)]


total = Counter()
for _ in range(1000):
    sample = weighted_sample("abc", [1,10,2], 5)
print("Frequences %s" % (dict(Counter(sample)),))

# Check that values are sane
print("Total " + ', '.join("%s: %.0f" % (val, count * 1.0 / min(total.values()))
                           for val, count in total.most_common()))


['b', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c']
Frequences {'c': 2, 'b': 3}
Total b: 10, c: 2, a: 1

What you want to create is a non-uniform random distribution. One bad way of doing this is to create a giant array with output symbols in proportion to the weights. So if a is 5 times more likely than b, you create an array with 5 times more a's than b's. This works fine for simple distributions where the weights are even multiples of each other. What if you wanted 99.99% a, and .01% b. You'd have to create 10000 slots.

There is a better way. All non-uniform distributions with N symbols can be decomposed into a series of n-1 binary distributions, each of which is equally likely.

So if you had such a decomponsition you'd first chose a binary distribution at random by generating a uniform random number from 1 - N-1

u32 dist = randInRange( 1, N-1 ); // generate a random number from 1 to N;

And then say the chosen distribution is a binary distribution with two symbols a and b, with a probability 0-alpha for a, and alpha-1 for b:

float f = randomFloat();
return ( f > alpha ) ? b : a;

How to decompose any non-uniform random distribution is a little more complex. Essentially you create N-1 'buckets'. Chose the symbols with the lowest probability and the one with the highest probability, and distribute their weights proportionally into the first binary distribution. Then delete the smallest symbol, and remove the amount of weight for the larger that was used to create this binary distribution. and repeat this process until you have no symbols left.

I can post c++ code for this if you want to go with this solution.