Windows Explorer hangs creating thumbnails for Typescript files

Solution 1:

A system-wide solution is described here:

Open the registry editor, navigate to Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.ts (tip: as you open regedit.exe, type Ctrl+L to focus the address bar, paste the path and then press enter), double click on the PerceivedType key and replace video by text.

This will stop the madness for future folders. ... You may also dig further down and replace the Content Type and the (Default) keys to read text/plain and txtfile respectively

screenshot of configuration

Solution 2:

You could change the view of the folder to Details or List, which doesn't show custom thumbnails for each file. But if you can't get into the folder to set the view without Explorer hanging, just go to the folder's parent, right click the folder and go to Properties, go into the Customize tab, and change Optimize this folder for to either "General items" or "Documents". This should automatically present the contents of the folder (when you go into it) in Details or List view.

Solution 3:

I found the answer on Microsoft TechNet forum:

Rename temporarily the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PropertySystem\PropertyHandlers\.ts and see if this helps.
Renamed .ts to .ts_disabled (so I can revert easily if needed) and it seems to work well.