the word "palmetier" or "palmeter"

looking for a definition for a word that is either spelled palmetier or palmeter. Ever heard of it? I have looked in the Webster's Dictionary, googled it and looked on various sites. All it says is that it is a Proper Name. However, no idea as to what the name means. Found various individuals with this last name, but even on ancestry type sites, found no idea of meaning of name. Anyone able to help with this?

Solution 1:

Looking at the reference for Palmeter from the Dictionary of American Family Names on, we see:

Probably a variant of English Parmeter (see Parmenter).

So, consulting the corresponding entry for Parmenter, we find:

English (mainly Essex): occupational name for a maker of facings and trimmings, Middle English, Old French par(e)mentier (from parement ‘fitting’, ‘finishing’, Late Latin paramentum, a derivative of parare ‘to prepare or adorn’).