How to alter table add column with named default constraint and named foreign key constraint?

Solution 1:

Adding both constraints in one statement wasn't as easy as I thought it would be and there didn't seem to be many examples out there (at least I wasn't able to find any very easily), so I thought I'd share how I did it here and maybe someone can suggest a better way?

ALTER TABLE [table name] ADD
    [New Column Name] [Column Type] 
    CONSTRAINT [constraint name] DEFAULT ([default value]) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [constraint name] FOREIGN KEY ([New Column Name]) 
    REFERENCES [Other Table] ([Foreign ID])


    myNewColumn BIGINT 
    CONSTRAINT myNamedConstraint_df default (1) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT myNamedConstraint_fk FOREIGN KEY (myNewColumn)
    REFERENCES tableB (tableBPrimaryKeyID)