How can we use custom font in an iOS app? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?

How can I customize font in my iPhone app? Is it possible? How can I use this custom font in a UILabel?

I am trying to add MYRIADPRO-SEMIBOLD.OTF font in my App.

and the code is

UIFont *customFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"MYRIADPRO-SEMIBOLD" size:35]; 
titleLbl.font = customFont; 

And the Plist is

enter image description here

Try the steps below:

1. Make configuration in the info.plist as shown in Image

enter image description here

2. Now you should use that added file

UIFont *customFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"fontName" size:size];

// further you may set That Font to any Label etc.

EDIT: Make Sure you have added that file in your resources Bundle.

enter image description here

  1. Copy your font file into Resources.

  2. In your application .plist create (if it exists just create a row) a row called Fonts provided by application and then in item 0 copy your font name for example Ciutadella-Bold.otf

  3. Then you can define this font in your application:

    UIFont *CiutadellaBold = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Ciutadella-Bold" size:17.0f];
  4. And use it in for instance in UILabel:

    [uiLabel setFont:CiutadellaBold];

It is totally possible. Please check the following links to implement your solution.

iPhone Development: how to use custom fonts?

How to add custom fonts to an iPhone app?

how to use custom font in iphone application

Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?

I hope these links help.