What would you (negatively) call a person who insists on repaying even a small amount of money?

Let's say you paid for a friend's bus ride, and he insists on paying you back rather than just let it be and stop worrying about it. You even find it rude on his part that he won't just forget about it. Is there an adjective or a phrase for such kind or a person, or for such kind of a behavior?

Solution 1:

Fastidious can have the sort of connotation I think you're looking for.

fas·tid·i·ous (adj.)

  1. Possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail.

  2. Difficult to please; exacting.

  3. Excessively scrupulous or sensitive, especially in matters of taste or propriety.

"He was the sort of guy who might ring you at 4 in the morning to repay sixpence; the chap was fastidious about his debts."

Solution 2:

Perhaps punctilious would be the word you are looking for?

Solution 3:

I would call such a person overly or obsessively proud, or possibly haughty.

But it would depend on the culture. Such a practice is considered normal in Japan, for example, where the concept of on (face) requires it.

Solution 4:

I think the word stickler fits very well here, in the sense of a person who's obsessive about making sure customs and rules are followed to the letter. If I were to use it in a sentence, it would go something like this:

He was a stickler for making sure that even the smallest and most insignificant debt was repaid in full.

It carries a connotation of following a rule to the point of being slightly annoying about it.

Solution 5:

I'd go for "stubbornly independent, even in the face of generosity".