Where is the screenshot property list now located in Mavericks?

Previously, the screenshot property list could be found at:


In Mavericks, this file no longer exists. In the past, I used to be able to manipulate the location and image type of screenshots using the .plist mentioned above. Where are these values now stored? Do I now need to create the plist in order to manipulate these variables, IE:

defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/folder/of/my/choice

To be sure this was not an issue with my user account, I created a new admin. account and tested.

Solution 1:

Yes, the plist seems to no longer exist by default, however I have changed my save location using the same command that you provided in your question and it's worked fine — the plist is read by OS X after logout and login.

Solution 2:

Looking at my MBA with 10.9.2 it is still in the


As it turns out, the .plist will only exist (be created) if you modify the screencapture settings, like location to save and others.