Using reaver (for wifi hacking) on Ubuntu 20 issue

I am trying to find out(to hack) my wifi password, just for fun and learn something new :) . I followed the tutorial:

And this is how far I got:

  1. This is the result of my iwconfig:

    lo no wireless extensions.

    wlp2s0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:"TP-Link"
    Mode:Managed Frequency:5.2 GHz Access Point: D8:07:B6:86:86:1F
    Bit Rate=6 Mb/s Tx-Power=23 dBm
    Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Power Management:off Link Quality=70/70 Signal level=-40 dBm
    Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:62 Missed beacon:0

  2. After I run:

    sudo airmon-ng start wlp2s0 and I got this:

    Found 4 processes that could cause trouble. Kill them using 'airmon-ng check kill' before putting the card in monitor mode, they will interfere by changing channels and sometimes putting the interface back in managed mode

     PID Name
     765 avahi-daemon
     774 NetworkManager
     806 wpa_supplicant
     810 avahi-daemon

    PHY Interface Driver Chipset

    phy0 wlp2s0 ath10k_pci Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter (rev 32)

         (mac80211 monitor mode vif enabled for [phy0]wlp2s0 on [phy0]wlp2s0mon)
         (mac80211 station mode vif disabled for [phy0]wlp2s0)
  3. After I killed all of the processes with:

    sudo airmon-ng check kill

  4. And finally I run: sudo airodump-ng wlp2s0mon to get the list of wifi networks and I got this: enter image description here

My expectations would be to get some BSSID s.

The final step would be to run reaver -i wlp2s0mon -b {BSSID value}. Would you please let me know what I did wrong or what should I do next, so I can continue my study? Thank you

Solution 1:

  1. It is possible that your wifi adapter does not support monitor mode, if he is, those commands should work out.
    • for monitor mode (run with sudo or as root):
ip link set wlp2s0 down
systemctl stop wpa_supplicant.service
systemctl mask wpa_supplicant.service
iw dev wlp2s0 set type monitor
  1. now you can run your airodump commands, for a test run:
airodump-ng wlp2s0
  1. to get your wifi interface back to managed mode you can run this commands (run with sudo or as root):
ip link set wlp2s0 down
systemctl umask wpa_supplicant.service
systemctl start wpa_supplicant.service
iw dev wlp2s0 set type managed
ip link set wlp2s0 up
systemctl restart NetworkManager.service #only if wifi connection does not came back alone.

I build those two scripts to switch between monitor and manage mode:


#Run As Root

echo "please enter a interface: "

read interface

ip link set dev $interface down

systemctl stop wpa_supplicant.service

systemctl unmask wpa_supplicant.service

systemctl start wpa_supplicant.service

iw dev $interface set type managed

ip link set dev $interface up

#Run As Root

echo "please enter a interface: "

read interface

ip link set dev $interface down

systemctl stop wpa_supplicant.service

systemctl mask wpa_supplicant.service

iw dev $interface set type monitor