How can I disable Control-W in Windows XP?

Update: While the following should still work (I no longer have access to a Windoze box), pyrospade points out that there is a way to do this directly from within Console2 nowadays. I have no idea if that's accurate but I wanted to point it out. Thanks!

Now, on with the show!

I'm an Emacs/Mac user trapped on Windows at work and I often type Control-W from muscle memory to delete a word and thus by mistake kill the entire window, including everything that I was working on. This a particularly egregious problem for Console2 as I run GNU Screen and am often doing many things at once.

Is there any way to completely disable Control-W or remap it to something that is far harder to type?


Update: The solution I ended up with is the following:

My AutoHotkey configuration now looks like this.

#IfWinNotActive emacs@XXXXXXXXXXXX

Cause let's be honest, I was really doing this just because I use emacs. :)

Solution 1:

I've found this comment:

To actually answer your question...Search for "key mapper" on google. Among others it will lead you to which lists many (some reviewed) mappers. One that is listed there that may be what you need is, but I can't be positive from the description, however you can ask them. At least this will point you in the right direction. Take the usual precautions when downloading and installing shareware.

I believe that this will allow you to disable CTRL-W on a Windows level (not just IE), but perhaps that is what you meant by "I don't ever want to use it."

on this post.

I've not investigated the link fully as yet, but it looks like it (or something like it) is what you want.

Solution 2:

Disabling the combo altogether for the whole system is not necessary; just open Console2, go to Edit->Settings->Hotkeys, and change the Close Tab hotkey to something else.