Read the contents of a ComboBox (or any other windows control)

I have a program that reads the contacts from my phone, but I can't export them.

I'd like to use another program to read the contents of the controls on the original program. In this case, I would like to export the content of a dropdown list (combobox), containing these contacts. Can someone recommend a good program for this or recommend another method?

I know I saw something for this last year on in a collection of diagnostic tools, but I can't find it now.

Solution 1:

I'm not sure if this is what you need since you said it was for your phone but the tag lists windows. Nirsoft provides a tool called SysExporter which lets you export items in windows lists. A better description is provided on the site.

Solution 2: lists a tool called ContensSaver# that can export combo boxes as well when you drag the crosshair onto them. It is written in C# and is open source, so if you need to do things like that automatically, you can see how they are doing it.

NirSoft SysExporter is a good option as well (if you do not need to adapt it)