Passing a function with parameters as a parameter?

Solution 1:

Use a "closure":

$(edit_link).click(function(){ return changeViewMode(myvar); });

This creates an anonymous temporary function wrapper that knows about the parameter and passes it to the actual callback implementation.

Solution 2:

Use Function.prototype.bind(). Quoting MDN:

The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called.

It is supported by all major browsers, including IE9+.

Your code should look like this:

$(edit_link).click(changeViewMode.bind(null, myvar));

Side note: I assume you are in global context, i.e. this variable is window; otherwise use this instead of null.

Solution 3:

No, but you can pass one without parameters, and do this:

  function() { changeViewMode(myvar); }

So you're passing an anonymous function with no parameters, that function then calls your parameterized function with the variable in the closure

Solution 4:

Or if you are using es6 you should be able to use an arrow function

$(edit_link).click(() => changeViewMode(myvar));

Solution 5:

Yes, like this:

$(edit_link).click(function() { changeViewMode(myvar) });